Margit Hakanen
Art of glass and ceramics
Have you ever dreamed of flying? Have you ever flown in your dreams? I have, three times. It has left it’s marks on me. If I wasn’t Margit, I would be a bird.
That is the reason why birds are often the inspiration to my naivistic works of art, which I carry out using glass or clay or mixing them together.
The most beautiful works of art I find from nature. I am happy to walk around in the woods or on the cliffs by the sea.
For 20 years I have fulfilled my dreams. I draw and write a lot of ideas and thoughts to my notebook. Ideas to my works are also created from old antiques. The stories behind the objects inspire me to create something new from them.
When I get a new thought, an idea – may it be anywhere in the world – I leave a small ceramic bell to that place to say “thank you”.
Maybe someone will find it, maybe one will become happy, too!
All the works also need techniques. Many glass and ceramics courses have helped me in that and given an opportunity to do what I love. I´m involved in the activities of the next associations, including their exhibitions:
Finnish Glass Artists Lasita ry, Tampere Glass Guild ry, Tiffans ry and Interi Ry. I have have had plenty of exhibitions of my own and participated in different galleries, for example in “Primitivists in Iittala”.
“How funny names on these wonderful works. The use of nature elements makes me feel so delightful.”
“ Thank you for the beauty and happiness, what this exhibition gave!”
“Great handeling of materials! Funny looking works!”
“So beautiful again…My mind is peaceful, when I look at these works.”
“Magically beautyful, humoristics and clever works! Thank you for amazing exhibition”
“Everytime as stirring as always! Sensitive and imaginationally, like the artist too”
“Same kind of wonderful and creative Margit! There is seen so much progress. Unbelievable creating joy and a huge imagination! But what else can we expect for artist from Tampere!”